Akt1 protects against inflammatory microglial activation through maintenance of membrane asymmetry and modulation of cysteine protease activity.


In several cell systems, protein kinase B (Akt1) can promote cell growth and development, but the "antiapoptotic" pathways of this kinase that may offer protection against cellular inflammatory demise have not been defined. Given that early cellular membrane phosphatidylserine exposure is a critical component of apoptosis, we investigated the role of Akt1 during neuronal apoptotic injury. By employing differentiated SH-SY5Y neuronal cells that overexpress a constitutively active form of Akt1 (myristoylated Akt1), free radical-induced cell injury was assessed through trypan blue dye exclusion, DNA fragmentation, membrane phosphatidylserine exposure, protein kinase B phosphorylation, cysteine protease activity, and mitochondrial membrane potential. Membrane phosphatidylserine exposure was both necessary and sufficient for microglial activation, insofar as cotreatment with an antiphosphatidylserine receptor-neutralizing antibody could prevent microglial activity following neuronal loss of membrane asymmetry. Furthermore, expression of myristoylated Akt1 not only prevented cell injury through the prevention of membrane phosphatidylserine exposure and genomic DNA fragmentation but also inhibited microglial activation and proliferation that required the inhibition of caspase 9-, caspase 3-, and caspase 1-like activities linked to cytochrome c release. Interestingly, Akt1 modulation of membrane phosphatidylserine exposure was primarily through caspase 1 activity. Removal of Akt1 activity abolished neuronal protection, suggesting that Akt1 functions as a critical pathway for the maintenance of cellular integrity and the prevention of phagocytic cellular removal during neurodegenerative insults.